The Project

DiaDev is a partnership between the University of Edinburgh, Kings College London, Kings Health Partners, and Public Health Foundation India and is funded by the European Research Council.

We work closely with stakeholders in the USA, Europe, Sierra Leone and India to refine and adapt the project design, solicit feedback on findings, and develop innovative solutions for improving diagnostic accuracy and efficacy.

Through the telling of diagnostic stories, the mapping of diagnostic infrastructures, and collaborations with stakeholders, DiaDev seeks to identity the lessons that can be drawn from the successes and failures of point-of-care diagnostic devices in the places where they are developed and deployed. It is hoped that the findings will help inform researchers, funders, policy-makers, governments and users as to whether, and how, these tests can strengthen health systems in resource-limited settings.

Download the Diadev Project Brochure.

Download the Diadev Project Profile Piece.

The team


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